The next upcoming event on 21st February 2025 will be a Society Meeting, at Angola road, entitled the AGM plus talk, show and tell
Welcome to the West Sussex Geological Society
Founded in 1977, this is now our 48th year.
- Has about 80 members
- Members include Enthusiastic Amateurs, Students and Professionals
- Always welcomes new members
- "Outcrop", the Society magazine, is issued twice a year
Our Meetings
- Are held on the third Friday of every month, except for July and August, at St. Stephens Church, Angola Road, Worthing, BN14 8DU
- Begin at 7.30 pm prompt
- Have a varied and interesting programme given by Guest speakers and society members
- Are designed for beginners and experts alike
- Then followed by tea, coffee and biscuits
- Have an average of 25 - 30 members attending in a friendly atmosphere
Our Field Trips
- Are held at various times throughout the year, usually at least 6 a year
- Are whole or part day, using private cars
- Most trips have leaders who are experts in the areas being visited
- We have a residential trip for 2 to 3 days on the first May Bank Holiday which enables us to go further afield
- This has included trips to Derbyshire, Shropshire, Forest of Dean, South and Mid Wales,
Dartmoor, Anglesey, Yorkshire, Cornwall and Guernsey
- They are friendly, informal and are always great fun, offering a chance to get to know other members
- Includes fossil, mineral and rock collecting
Our Online Resources
- These are Stone Trail Guides (as pdfs) compiled by the WSGS and are freely available to view or download to use as self guided visits
- They are used by the WSGS as the basis for various field trips
- There are 3 for the Worthing Area
- Also 1 each for West Sussex Building Stones, Pebbles on the Beach and Littlehampton
Interested ?
- Our subscriptions are from only £15 per year
- We can now also be found on Facebook under West Sussex Geological Society
- Email the Society Secretary for more details
- Better still, come along to your first meeting as a free guest
- Join the members 'WhatsApp' group for up to date information
- Registered Charity No:- 1110971
- Last Updated on the 29th January 2025
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