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West Sussex Geological Society

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Events Programme for 2024

including Field Trips, Social Gatherings, Shows & Festivals and Zooms

11th January 2024
This is a Zoom Meeting.
Presented by Martin Whiteley
The Peak District
Please see email notification for details and log-in about this event.

This Event has now passed

9th February 2024
This is a Zoom Meeting.
Presented by Professor Emrys Phillips
Scotland during the last Ice Age
Please see email notification for details and log-in about this event.

This Event has now passed

26th April 2024
The Worlds End Pub A27 Arundel Road Patching BN13 3UQ
The Spring Social Gathering -- meet at 6:00 for 6:30pm
A spring evening outdoors (weather permitting and if not too cold) social event at a great local location, with food and drinks -- well recommended

This Event has now passed

10th May 2024
This is the Long Weekend Annual Field Trip,
Leader Martin Whitely
WSGS Annual Long Weekend Field Outing
The Peak District is centrally located in the heart of England, easily accessible and endowed with fabulous scenery. Compact enough to walk across in a day, you can find soaring limestone ridges, bold gritstone edges, high peat-covered moorland and sylvan valleys within a stone's throw of each other. The key to this wonderful range of scenery lies in having just the right combination of old rocks beneath the surface, some hard and resistant, others weak and easily worn away. Natural agents of erosion, such as the wind, rain, ice and long-lost seas have sculpted the landscape over millions of years, aided by the hand of man in the most recent past.

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22nd May 2024
This is a local Field Trip,
Leader John Lonergan
Scaynes Hill private collection
Final details to be confirmed.

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15th June 2024
This is a local Field Trip,
Leader David Bone
Pebbles on the Beach
Collect the various types of pebbles for type and indentification. Part of the Worthing Heritage Featival

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22nd June 2024
Leader the WSGS committee
Worthing Festival event at the Worthing Museum
As part of Worthing Festival event the WSGS are attending. We will have a stall in the Worthing Museum. There will be a 'show and tell', and we will attempt to Identify any fossil, rock or mineral specimens visitors may like to bring along. We will also have some 'come and see' examples and will be talking to anybody, young and old, interested in fossils, rocks, minerals, dinosaurs and any related subject that you are interested in, to do with Geology and Palaeontology. In addition there will be a lucky dip and an affordable original & pre-owned geology book stall.

This Event has now passed

28th June 2024
The Worlds End Pub A27 Arundel Road Patching BN13 3UQ
The Summer Social Gathering -- new time -- meet at 6:00pm for 6:30pm.
A good summers evening outdoors social event at a great local location, with food and drinks -- well recommended.

This Event has now passed

29th June 2024
This is a local Field Trip,
Leader David Bone (WSGS)
The Historic Building Stones of Chichester.
Check out the London OUGS web site to find out more and to book a place. This is a cut-down version of the full trip with several sites omitted, however, the key sites are still included. The objective of this trip is to explore some of the lesser-known parts of the city to introduce the more unusual historic building stones, many of local origin, that have been used from Roman through to Victorian times. We start 11.00 at the Market Cross in the city centre (at the junction of North Street, East Street, South Street and West Street). This trip is a full day excursion, total walking distance of the itinerary is about 2 km on footpaths with some steps. A hand lens may be useful.

This Event has now passed

1st July 2024
This is a local Field Trip,
Leader David Bone
An evening guided walk around Clapham Church.
Visiting Clapham Church of St Mary the Virgin, BN13 3UU, commencing at 7:00pm, to look at the historical church building stones. Please park at the end of the gravel track that leads off Church Close, Clapham. We may / could retire to the nearby World’s End pub at Patching for refreshment after the meeting.

This Event has now passed

10th August 2024
Geology Day at the Novium Museum
A great day out for all the family, especially the kids, to see Rocks, Minerals, Fossils. Bring your own item to show / identify. Books & Maps for sale.

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Poster for Novium Museum Summer Exhibition

15th September 2024
This is a local Field Trip.
Leader Alex Vincent
Geology & Archeology

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29th September 2024
the Geological Association Conference
Please see email notification for details about this event.

19th October 2024
This is a local Field Trip.
Leader T.B.A
the Arun Valley
Further details not yet available

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2nd November 2024
the Festival of Geology
the WSGS table & display at the Festival of Geology at the Natural History Museum in London.
Please see email notification for details about this event.

16th November 2024
the Sussex Mineral and Fossil Show
A wealth of exhibits at the show, from not just minerals, but all aspects of geology. Displays and sales of minerals, gems, fossils, meteorites, flints, books, & accessories. Mineral and fossil tombola. Children's workshop for gold panning, fossil and gem hunts. Fluorescent minerals room. Illustrated talks. Held at Haywards Heath College, Harlands Road, Haywards Heath RH16 1LT

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1st January 2025
This is a local Field Trip.
Leader David Shilston
A walk around the Wiggonholt area.
Postponed until later this year Date & Time yet to be Announced

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Pease note that on all field trips monies as noted -- £3 from WSGS members and £5 from visitors -- will be collected.
(This also covers Day Membership for our insurance).
Note - more 2024 trips will be added as they are confirmed

John Lonergan
Field Trip Secretary
West Sussex Geological Society

Mobile: 07967 165 260
Website built by MATE Geo-Technic Services (January 2024) © WSGS 2024